What is there to SEE?
To understand why 3 hours per move is not so unreasonable, you must know what to expect from the study. When you know what to learn, you will become more patient. Especially when you notice that the grandmaster missed the move in the game too because he didn't see it either. White to move 1r2r3/p5pp/2nk4/1R1pp3/P2P4/2P3B1/3K2PP/4R3 w - - 0 1 Warmerdam, Max vs. Elgersma, Simon After the move 27.Rxe5, black has 3 captures. It takes time to work out the logical narratives for each capture. Then it takes time to absorb the three narratives so that you SEE them and don't need the verbal description of the narrative anymore. Once you SEE them, you can't UNSEE them. Max played 27.Rxb8. And there is a narrative why this capture is not so good. It is still winning, but there is work left to be done. And this narrative must be absorbed too. So there are 4 narratives in total that are in need to be absorbed.