The Trap

There are 3 kinds of scans I try to improve: Trap Converge Targets In this post I want to talk only about the trap. The following diagram is quite well suited to explain how the exercise works. In the problemset of Chess Tempo there are a lot of mates. I consider a mate to be a special instance of a trap. You trap the king. A mate like below took me quite some time since there are a few initial moves which look promising but which are not. White to move. You don't know beforehand that this is a mate, but it isn't likely that you can win a piece. Solution [ 1.Qxg7+ Kxg7 2.Rf7+ Kg8 3.Rxe7+ Kf8 4.Ng6# ] It isn't important to spend much time to find the solution but it doesn't hurt either. There is no objection to look it up. The exercise starts when the solution is known . Input-output-narrative. The input is the position at hand. The output is the endposition with the mate. The narrative describes in words how you arrive at the mate starting from this position. How the wh...