The battle of the cues.

. . . I didn't exactly wanted to show the world how I blundered. I gave this example in my previous post in order to investigate how the mechanism of the choice of moves works. I thought this was a clearcut example. But the blunder element turned out to be distractive. I tend to overfocus somewhat when thinking about something. Such focussing seems to work by means of suppressing the signals that could interrupt. Or by raising the threshold. Nevertheless, certain signals manage to exceed the threshold and certain do not. This determines which move we chose. Guidance of focus seems to manipulate these signals or thresholds. Whether this guidance is conscious or not. This guidance seems to be driven by habits when its not conscious. Besides that, those patterns that are stored with strong cues for retrieval seem to produce stronger signals. Forgetfulnes dampens the signals overtime. Especially those that are acquired on automatic pilot. I estimate the amount of patterns you need to ...