
. . Margriet and I just finished the book of Michael Stean "Simple Chess". We played through all the games. Margriet's play immediately made a huge progress by incorporating the idea's and she started to beat 1700 players one after another. I need more time to digest the matter since I always want to test ideas by stretching them to the extreme and beyond. But once I get the hang of it I'm sure the same will happen. The most difficult was the last chapter, about space. It takes time to get a feeling for that, while it certainly plays a big role in my games. The book didn't mention initiative as a factor. By applying the ideas I noticed time and again that the initiative crops up slowly as a result. Quite mysterious. Chesstiger asked me about colorcomplexes. As soon I have found the game I want to show him I will post about that. We will reread the book again soon.