Lousy logical reasoning and familiar patterns

. . . Munich said: An idea: There are two sorts of difficult puzzles: First, the ones with lots of calculation, and deep variations. Second, the ones which could have been easy if you simply had spoted it. The 2708 CT Blitz rated (your example) is a puzzle of the second category: the relativelz easy ones that for some strange reason almost nobody gets correct. I would love to have some puzzles sorted into these two categories. I could imagine it is worth to study the character of the "easy" puzzles, that are very difficult. 90% of the 2200 - 2300 rated puzzles at CT fall in the category "easy" imo. This weekend I worked out about 30 of them while looking what is going on in my mind. I noticed that the patterns are well known enough usually, but I fail to concoct a flawless logical reasoning. That is strange, since I usually score very high in tests of logical reasoning. This means that the ability is there in principle, but something is la...