A whole different animal

Usually after the opening and the first half of the middlegame my position is ok. But from there on things all too often go downhill rapidly. Either because I try to work miracles in a non tactical position and end up in time trouble, or I simple play with no plan at all. To fix this problem, I started to analyze my own games. As you can see in my previous post. But I soon realized that my own games lack something. Certain things simply cannot be learned by studying your own games with the aid of a chess engine. And so I decided to study positions from grandmastergames. The first few books from Buckley, Larsen, Yakovlev, Polgar and Dvoretsky were very disappointing. The positions in those books are not computer checked. If Houdini finds 15 better moves than the move proposed by the author, and the difference is >0.30 points, it is too hard to keep your faith in that you are on the right track. And in these times no author has an excuse to not check his analysis by computer. Lucki...