Oversimplify this!
What types of moves do we have? How can we judge the effect on the initiative? In the hope to get system I involved, I simplify matters. Maybe I'm even oversimplifying them. Worrying about oversimplification is a habit of system II, so I don't care. We must simplify matters before we can complicate them. CCT. But since a check is just a threat, CT will suffice. For now. Mate is just one move short of capturing the king in a forced way. I will simplify mate as a gain of wood. Just to simplify matters even more. What type of moves do we have? Cashing in Quiet move Postponement move Counter attack before Counter attack after Preparing moves Preliminary move Duplo attack move Attacking an immobile piece Cashing in When we just capture a hanging piece, we cash in. There is no additional tempo involved. In fact we lose a tempo. We hand over the initiative to the opponent. We get a piece of wood in return. "The threat is often stronger than the execution...