How does system I work?
I postulate the following: only system I can make you perform better at tactics. Rehab of trial and error That is why I want to rehabilitate trial and error . Since that is the way system I works best. If you need to guide system I by system II, you add slowness to the equation. Since system II is notoriously slow. When trial and error fails trial and error fails in practice, for different reasons: repeating the same moves and lines over and over again entering a tunnel and continuing ad infinitum The actions of systems II that can be safely incorporated The actions of system II involve the following: Stopping system I when it is repeating itself Stopping system I when it is working in a tunnel with no end These actions can be safely incorporated into your solution process, since they don't require time. Thinking should not be incorporated, since thinking requires time. Attention The two actions of system II that don't require time, do require attent...