
Showing posts from May, 2019

How to educate system I?

There are a few tasks which can be done immediately when a new chess problem is presented: See the material balance See whether a position is about mate, promotion or gaining wood See the points of pressure See the lines of attack See the function of the pieces  The first two skills seems to be invented especially for chess problems. Since when you play a game you already know what the material balance is, and what the position is about. I consider it a waste of time to hone these skills. I don't want to become better in puzzles, I want to become better in OTB play. I don't think it is bad or harmful to train those skills, if you feel happy about it, you should train them. But I don't consider it to be worth the effort for myself. How useful is it to train the PoPLoAFun skills? What are the advantages, what the drawbacks? The testimony of Robert seems to indicate that training the PoPLoAFun skills is beneficial for his game. Maybe he is willing to elaborate (ag

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