LoA vision
I have a database with 931 tactical problems in the following categories: Discovered attack Double attack Skewer Pin Overloading Mate in 3 I learned the geometrical patterns by heart of 252 positions (27%) already. It took me 50 days. I focused on PoPs ( points of pressure ) and Funs ( functions ) solely. So far the method seems to work excellent. Now I have drawn a definite conclusion about the middlegame, I thought that it would be nice to extend my method to middlegame positions too. Hence I began a search for a database with positional problems. I couldn't find an acceptable one. But then I realised the following: I now have a definite method of judgment for every middlegame move. Which is the following: how does this move alter the balance of piece activity? In the previous post, I called it the battle of the LoA's ( lines of attack ). Do I really need a problem set with positional problems? The answer is: probably not. I just have to draw the li...