
Showing posts from April, 2022

Time to start

 My choice for a new repertoire seems to be fairly definite. I'm very happy with it, and have the feeling for the first time that these are the openings I want to play for the next years: London system Jobava variation Sicilian accelerated dragon Leningrad dutch defense You might notice that the hyper has disappeared from the accelerated dragon. At the moment I don't think that the Rossolimo is worth a special treatment in order to avoid it. But insights might change overtime. We agreed on the following method to improve: build concepts that are transferable to different positions. So that is what I'm going to try. I score well with the London, therefore I will focus on the black repertoire. For the dragon I'm waiting for the treatise of GM Hungaski about the Maroczy, which is in the making at Chessable. So I start with the Leningrad. Base is the work of FM Michiel Abeln about the Leningrad at Chessable. So what are the possible concepts which need a closer investigatio

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