I have been immersed in chess the past 10 days. I scored 4 points out of 9, which is less than I expected. But for the first time in 25 years, not the method to improve was under scrutiny, but the areas in which the method can be applied. It turned out that there are 3 areas where I fail: opening endgame king side attack I didn't apply my method to these three areas, so in fact it is quite logical that these areas caused the loss of points. The third area came as a surprise to me. Which in itself is very surprising. The past time I have been busy with studying what is happening after the middlegame and before the final blow to the king. The "Vukovic" area, so to speak. And I noticed that this area is reigned by the LoA landscape (lines of attack). I didn't realize that just gathering the knowledge isn't enough by far to master this area. A stupid thing to miss, since it is very logical, but hey, that is what these tournaments or for. It was the clock which put me...