A tactical openingsrepertoire

King Ots is thinking about putting more tactics in his openings.
This is my repertoire:


1. e4 e5 f4 Kings Gambit (so no need for the Cochrane gambit!)

1. e4 c5 2. c3 The alapin attack of the Sicilian

1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Le3 Alapin-Diemer gambit. I score 85% with this gambit.

1. e4 c6 2. Nc3 d5 3. Qf3 Caro-Kan. Followed by gambits in the diverse variations:

1. e4 c6 2. Nc3 d5 3. Qf3 d4 4. Bc4!
1. e4 c6 2. Nc3 d5 3. Qf3 dxe4 4. Nxe4 Nd7 5. Bc4 Ngf6 6. d4! Nb6 7. Bd3

1. e4 Nf6 2. Nc3 e5 3. f4 Kind of Kings Gambit.
1. e4 Nf6 2. Nc3 d5 3. d3 dx 4. Bg5!

1. e4 d6 2. d4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. Be3 Nf6 5. Be2 O - O 6. h4

I play all these openings for more than 3 years.
Tomorrow I'll show what I use with black.

BTW yesterday I realized all of a sudden that no one of the Knights knows that Margriet and I are married very happy for more than 20 years. Only Sherlock Holmes could have guessed that by our blogs.
We do everything together. I sing as a bass in the choir where she is conductor and she plays chess in the club where I'm the treasurer.
And now we are blogging together. . .


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I also play the c3 sicilian (and love it), but while there are a few variations which lead to tactics (like just about any opening) I don't generally think of it as a tactical opening. On the other hand, if you enjoy playing a pawn down then the Smith-Morra can certainly be considered: 1. e4 c5 2. d4 cxd4 3. c3 ...

    Now that we know about you and the princess, I will admonish all of the knights to put aside their fantasies about the fairest one among our midst.

  3. We don't need to know about your blogging together! Too much information!!! :P

    BTW, I second DG's Smith-Morra suggestion. I'm also typically a 2.c3 Sicilian player as White, but I've started to look into the Smith-Morra as a gambit option for whenever the mood strikes!

  4. 1. e4 c5

    One more vote for Smith-Morra Gambit. If declined it turns to c3 -Sicilian.

    1. e4 c6

    Here I found a even crazier approach at ChessCafe (3. d4 d5 4. Nc3 dxe4 5. f3). McGrew calls it Milner-Barry but it actually goes by some other name.

    As a fellow e4 -player it is interesting to see what your repertoire for black would be. In particular for those annoying 1.d4 -players...

    - bahus

  5. I have played the Morra gambit the last 3 years, but I simply get not enough results with it. So I returned to the c3, with is a little to slow for me, but solid.

  6. You might want to try the Halasz gambit instead of the Morra.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Actually there is a Sicilian variation. I was unaware of the other. I learned about it in Schillers gambit book for white.
    1. e4 c5 2. d4 cxd4 3. f4...
    If you go to the chessbase site and search this sequence you will find 140 games.


    (Strictly speaking, the name Halasz Gambit is not right since why
    give the name of a modern Hungarian postal player to a gambit that
    has been around since the 1840s, if not earlier? However, no name
    seems previously to have stuck to this bizarre idea 3 f4, and Hal sz
    has played numerous games with it over the past few decades, and
    has even experimented with an analogous idea against the Sicilian
    Defence1 e4 c5 2 d4 exd4 3 f4!?.)

    Sorry I made a mistake in my previous post and it looks like there is one from the chesscafe article as well.

  9. I played several blitz games with the Halasz v the Sicilian to get the flow of the game and a couple standard games. I had a standard win against Cruin (FICS) who always plays the English and Sicilian. It is a fun opening and definately takes people out of their memorized lines. LatelyI have been sticking strictly to the Bishop's / Vienna for white till my next round of opening study. I may try the Vienna gambit at some point which I believe transposes into the King's gambit lines.


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