Step 3 done

The book of Seirawan "Winning chess strategies" has arrived from Fatboy. Thanks!
Margriet and I are both delighted with it, we finally found an occupation for our endless spare hours (ahem). I'm surprised that the nervous Americain officials let this dangerous weapon fly trough their airspace. Anyway, I already learned something from it, it is very readable.
I'm going to work my way through the book with in my mind the question if strategic play can fall victim to a DLM-approach. Because I have to prepare myself for the vacuum that arises after my tactical skills are boosted to the limits (ahem, ahem).

Today I did step 3 of TCT.
I went thru all 540 problems a tempo, so I considder it done.
I hope that I finish step 4 this weekend.
Here you see that the level of the problems is all important.
It took me only 24 days to play thru all 1100 problems a tempo.
Circle 6 and 7 are not neccesary, after a few weeks I will play thru the problems again to consolidate.

TCT# prbscircle 1circle 2circle 3

circle 4

circle 5

circle 6

circle 7












Stp558075%- -






  1. Yeah, I heard about a lot of good things about that book too. Most of tehreviews in amazon was positive. Hey, post again about it if it really helps.


  2. You are really speeding up, Tempo. Nomen est omen! It seems that you dropped the difficult problems and do the last circles with the easier ones. Right?

  3. Yes, you are right, step 3 and for are the very basics of combinations. Most of them are 3 to 5 ply deep. But I felt the need to see them really fast. After this I go immediately further with step 5. On the % you can see that these are more difficult. Say ply 5 to 7 deep.


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