
Who did it? (and who caused those upload problems?)
It's unbelievable how much I'm forgotten during the few weeks I didn't do Intensive Course Tactics. It will take me a whole week to go through all the 1355 problems for the 7th time. And that's far from a tempo. The positive side is that I'am still learning every day. . .
It's important to let go any claims on results in this area. You can't just say because I did the problems 7 times I master them. You have to work until you master them, and then go further.
This means that circle 8 and 9 are unavoidable.
And I know now for sure that i't is necessary to repeat the problems from time to time to keep them sharp. Maybe here spaced repetition comes in handy.
1135 down, 220 to go in circle 7.
What is remarkable is that I have become extreme fast in mating problems.
Most mate in 3 I see a within 5 seconds (instanteneous). That's an order difference with for example a double attack, which often take me about 30 seconds at least. I have done tons of mate in # problems in the past, so that shows clearly the way.
Hilarious picture. I love it!
ReplyDeleteWhere is that from?
It happened that one time I saw the solution in 10 secs and 2 weeks later I missed it completely! I think it depends on what you are tuned. If tuned to mate you miss double attacks and vice versa.
ReplyDeleteAwesome pic! I wish I had that in a poster!
ReplyDeleteI think your mate in 5 positions are not composed ones... if you can solve any mate problems in seconds you can already challenge John Nunn.
ReplyDeleteMate in 3. No, you are right, it were no composed problems. There's little use in doing a program of DLM with composed problems. In 5533+1 chessproblems I found a composed mate in two that costed me 2 hours to solve. They are fun and you learn to visualize and calculate, but the patterns you will never see over the board. BTW, I didn't know that John Nunn has done a MDLM-like program too:)
That's an awesome picture!!!