10,000 done, only 60,000 to go!!

Estimated average rating:
Circle 0: 1470
Circle 1: 1500

Circle 1 done
10,000 ready 60,000 to go.

Update: Vic has gone 404.


  1. Tempo,
    I know that you are a kings gambit player, and I was wondering if you had any books and/or websites you could recommend on this opening. Also, I remember a few months ago that there was a pgn file floating around amongst the knights that could be used with chess position trainer, do you know about this? If you have it could you zap it my way? (discipledelamaza@hotmail.com)

  2. I would love to know more about the kings gambit too.

  3. Pale, I have sent it to you.
    GK, do you have an E-mailadress for me? (or drop me a line at temposchlucker@mail.com)

  4. yeah tempo.. the blogspammers are starting to generate serious "counterplay". Hope they dont comment-to-death our blogs..

  5. Tempo, I didn't know you were a king's gambit player. Do you play mostly gambit openings?

  6. Dread, yes, I play mostly gambits.
    You can find my repertoire here http://temposchlucker.blogspot.com/2005/03/tactical-openingsrepertoire.html
    and here http://temposchlucker.blogspot.com/2005/03/attacktical-openingsrepertoire-i-play.html

  7. Tempo please update my rating to 1466. After a break of not playing rated games I am now on a roll. Please post it quickly before it changes! 8)

  8. Tempo, your email doesn't seem to work. Could you try again?

  9. hi tempo,
    what don't we pop up my ratings once again to 1491.
    Jim Takchess


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