The 7 circles of CTS.

We had a great time doing two tourneys and played a lot of spectacular games.
Allthough 18 days of chess is maybe a little too much with only two resting days.
I have not yet analyzed everything that happened during our mega event.
But a few things are already clear: everything that can be done automatically at a move must be done automatically. Under tournament conditions only automated tasks will survive.
The scanning processes have proven to be useful for blunder checking. I had about 6 (minor) oversights in 18 games. Compared with the average 3 oversights per game at the tourney at Whitsuntide this is an enormous improvement. Since I had not done very much scanning exercises (only two weeks or so) before the tournaments, I can't say if they can be useful for other tasks.
I had 9 draws in 18 games. There are 2 reasons for so much draws (mind you, I play mostly gambits!): tasks that have to be done automatically are done by thinking. So I often had to accept a draw in better position with time trouble. The other reason is lack of endgame knowledge.

To learn to do tasks automatically I intensified my sessions at CTS.
What is instant pattern recognition? CTS gives a clue.
If you solve a problem within 3 seconds you get the full reward.
I noticed that even little thinking or checking cost me about 10 seconds.

Some calculations a la Temposchlucker:

Susan Polgar played 1131 games in 17 hours with a score of 96+ %.
Assume an average game is 20 moves:
1131 x 20 = 22,620 moves in 17 x 3600 = 61,200 seconds.
This means about 2.7 seconds per move (including walking 9 miles)!
Speaking of instant pattern recognition.

My window at CTS is about 10,000 problems wide.
With 400 problems/day I can do a full circle of 10,000 problems in 25 days.
7 circles at CTS = 7 x 25 = 175 days.

Besides intensified activity on CTS I renewed my efforts with SOPE (Secret of pawn endings from Muller and Lamprecht)


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