Abbreviations we use

Latest update June 15, 2017

40/120, 20/60, SD/30 - means 40 moves in 2 hours followed
by 20 moves in 1 hour followed by Sudden Death in 30 minutes.
G/30 - means 30 minutes for the whole game
SD/30 - means 30 minutes for the whole game
G/5(5) - means 5 minutes game with 5 seconds per move increment.

ACT - Amsterdam Chess Tournament

AoA - Art of Attack from Vukovic

AoAiC - Art of Attack in Chess from Vukovic
APROP - Ability to PROject Positions (APROP). From the book "Chess master ... at any age" by Rolf Wetzell. 

ATH - All Time High (rating)
B - Bishop
B.A.D. - Barely Adequate Defended
BCC - Boylston Chess Club
BOOC - Bishop Of Opposite Color
BOSC - Bishop Of the Same Color
BV - Board Vision
CC - Correspondence Chess
CCT - Checks, Captures and Threats
CET - Chess Endgame Training 2.0 from Convekta
C-K - Caro - Kann

COW - Chess Openings Wizard (former Bookup)
CPM - Checks Per Minute
CPT - Chess Position Trainer
CT - Chess Tempo
CTA - CT-Art 3.0 from Convekta
CT(f)B - Chess Tactics for Beginners from Convekta
CTS - Chess Tactics Server
CVT - Chess Vision Trainer from Fussy Lizzard
DG - Historian of the Knights
DLM - De La Maza
ECO - Encyclopedia of Chess Openings
EGT - Equal or Greater Threat
Elo - Rating based on prof. Arpad Elo's system
FAC - Exercise Find All Checks
FCE - Fundamental Chess Endings from Muller and Lamprecht
FICS - Free Internet Chess Server
FIDE - Federation International Des Echecs
Fun - Function in the sense of Lasker's Manual of Chess
FM - FIDE Master
GM - GrandMaster
GPA - Grand Prix Attack

HAD - Hyper Accelerated Dragon
HE - Hazardous Elements of Chuzhakin

HTRYC - How To Reassess Your Chess from Silman

ICC - Internet Chess Club
ICT - Intensive Course Tactics from George Renko CD 1 and CD 2
IG - Icelandic Gambit
IGM - International GrandMaster
IM - International Master
IQP -Isolated Queen's Pawn
K - King
KG - King's Gambit
KIA - King's Indian Attack
KID - King's Indian Defense

KITB - King in the Box
LMoC - Lasker's Manual of Chess
LoA - Line of Attack
LPDO - Loose pieces drop off
LTM - Long Term Memory
M - Master
M1-e - Mate In One Easy
M1-h - Mate In One Hard
MDLM - Michael De La Maza
MPM - Mates Per Minute
N - Knight
Na3 - Sodium Attack
NCO - Nunn's Chess Openings
NIC - New In Chess
NM - National Master
OCD - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
OCL - Online Chess League
OTB - Over The Board; rated game with real opponent
p - pawn
PCT - Personal Chess Trainer
PLF - PoPLoAFun Point of Pressure, Line of Attack, Function
PoP - Point of Pressure
PP=BD - Pinned Piece is Bad Defender

PtP - Path to Promotion
Q - Queen
QC - Quick Chess
QGA - Queen's Gambit Accepted
QGD - Queen's Gambit Declined
QP - Queen's pawn
R - Rook
RCCM - Robert Coble Chess Module
RD - Rating deviation used by CTS and FICS
RR - Round Robin pairings
Sac - Sacrifice
SCEC - Silman's Complete Endgame Course
SCID - Shane's Chess Information Database
SOCES - Secrets Of Chess Endgame Strategy by Lars Bo Hansen
SOPE - Secrets Of Pawn Endings from Muller and Lamprecht
SRS - spaced repetition set. Custom made problemset at CT.
SS - Swiss System pairings
STC - Slow Time Controls at FICS, ICC, USCL
STM - Short Term Memory. Typically 7 - 12 placeholders for information and fading away in seconds.
T&E - Trial and error
TCT - Tasc Chess Tutor
TD - Tournament Director
TINSTAAFL - There is no such thing as a free lunch
ToA - Tree of Analysis
TP - Thought Process
TWIC - The Week In Chess
USCF - United States Chess Federation
USCL - United States Chess Live
WCT - Winning Chess Tactics from Yasser Seirawan
WFM - Woman FIDE Master
WGM - Woman GrandMaster
WIM - Woman International Master
YO - year old

I will make a permanent link of this post in my sidebar.
Do you know more abbreviations we frequently use?


  1. I was what all of those things meant. Still wondering what "circles" are. The real abbreviation should read:

    GOD - Michael De la Maza


  2. Over the board. Maybe even 45/45 for the teamchess League.

  3. Wow, I've become an abbreviation! My family will be so proud.

  4. 45/45 is 45 moves in 45 minutes. g/30 is game in 30 minutes. g/5/5 is game in 5 minutes with a 5 second per move increment.

  5. OCL - Online Chess League (sponsored by Chessville)

    BDK- Blue Devil Knight

  6. I've seen this one occasionally:

    CTA - CT-Art Tactics Software

  7. ...and I think STC means "Slow Time Controls". They're active on FICS, ICC, and USCL.

  8. CD, if I record BDK then I must do so with all the Knights. Since the abbreviations of the knights give seldom a problem I don't want to mix the list with them.

  9. This is incorrect
    > 45/45 is 45 moves in 45 minutes.

    1. G45 - means 45 minutes for the whole game.

    2. X/Y means X-minutes + Y-increment per move. So 45/45 means 45 minutes plus 45 seconds increments per move. Roughly equivalent to G60 (in my experience)

  10. And how does one say 40 moves in 2 hours plus 1 hour for the rest of the game?

  11. Aye, like Neza said - usually refers to games played in "Team 45 45 League" on FICS/ICC at "". I don't know the FICS link as they seem to have become independent.

  12. Tempo - 40/2, SD/1 which translates 40 moves in 2 hours followed by a 1-hour sudden death period.

  13. 45/45 in a Chess Life tournament listing would mean 45 moves in 45 minutes. At least to the best of my recollection. It may have a different meaning online. And yes 45/45 would normal be followed by SD/30. Or 45 Moves in 45 Minutes, Sudden Death 30 minutes. Admittedly an odd time control but I always read 45/45 as 45 moves in 45 minutes.

  14. Thx guys, I believe the time controls have a consistent format now (pfeww)

  15. There are a lot of opening abbreviations, too.

    KIA - King's Indian Attack
    KID - King's Indian Defense
    QGD - Queen's Gambit Declined
    QGA - Queen's Gambit Accepted
    C-K - Caro-Kann


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