A different attitude

I'm not a person that draws a conclusion easy. I always like to keep all options open and I like to think that everything is possible. In chess that might mean for instance that I am not inclined to trade off a bad bishop easy. Because who knows, it might become good some day.
I have studied a lot of mastergames lately, which shows that most things from which I think that they might happen, are actual not bound to happen at all. I really have to learn to look different at the game.
On another note, I have decided to change my opening repertoire.
I have played about 8 different gambits and everything what was open and aggressive for both white as black during the past 4 years. Not because I liked that especially, but to learn certain aspects of the game. I have learned alot, and I have enjoyed it.
But now it is time to focus on other aspects of the game. So I am going to play everything what is closed, slow, positional, leads to an endgame and solid for the next 4 years or so.
I have looked after the openings played by the positional grandmasters Kramnik, Karpov, Petrosian and Botvinnik.
I intend to pick up 1.d4 with white, the Caro Kan and the Queens Indian with black.
I really look forward to it. It are openings that are quite alien to me, so I expect to learn a lot. I expect to have an endgame more often, which will help me to motivate for endgame study.
I have no idea if it will fit me, but after 4 years or so I will be able to make a choice which I way to head with my openingrepertoire in the future.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad to hear that ! Before I started with my coach, I used to play Ruy with white, 1.e4 e5 with black and Slav against 1.d5.
After started with coach, we changed it all. Now I play 1.d4 with white, 1.e4 e5 with black and the King's Indian Defence with black against 1.d4. I think it worth to take a look at it. It can provide positional play and it usually becomes "explosive". It has been played by KASPAROV and FISCHER. Good luck with the new repertoire and wellcome to this new kind of games !!!
Tempo, I am intrigued by your comment "most things from which I think that they might happen, are actual not bound to happen at all". Were these just moves or different plans you did not expect?
ReplyDeleteAre you going to try out different follow-ups to 1.d4 (2.Nf3) or are you going to stick to 2.c4?
ReplyDeleteI'm really talking about an attitude towards certain moves. I tend to violate common chess knowledge thinking that it can be healed later. So I put a knight on the rim thinking that I will play it to the center later on. But more often than not, that is not going to happen.
It is form of playing "hope" chess, actually. Playing thru mastergames made me alert on this.
I started a few cc games with 1.d4 and I have 3 days to find out what my second move will be. The games of Karpov will be my guide. I believe he played 2.c4
ReplyDeletea definite intermezzo book (just for reading)that you should read is " how not to play chess". I am a little bit puzzled why a chess coach should learn, a beginner?or an intermediate player?to play 1 d4.
Maybe for some strategic feeling i guess.I see it often at my club. The little move there and one there and then they get blown away by an easy tactic. (I am talking about 1500-1600 Elo) There goes your hours of study wasted. But then again I would advice you to keep your gambit repertoire intact. If you cannot win anymore from a certain strenght of player on tactics, that means also that you are not stronger in tactics but has reached the same level of strenght in your play on tactics as your opponent. It could be that you are stronger in solving a problem over the board but in applying it when the position is still complicated and unclear you might not. Why? Your tactic maneuvers might be too simple or to easy to spot. Well the higher levels will see a 3 or a 4 mover (8 ply deep) coming, especially when material has reduced a lot. But when many possibilities are still wide open they can be victimized. You will see that in blitz, rapid games between IM and 2000+ players. Mostly the latter is just blown away of the board by a tactical tric or maneuver whatever you want to call it.
I would not play immediately the colle. The idea is quite straight forward. Either an attack on the kingside or the e4-e5 push supplemented with the f-pawn. The fianchetto position is an answer but also killing off the light squared bishop by challenging it along b1-h7 diagonal is another one. Then again your dark squared bishop will lack space until your e-pawn moves.
Why not try the benko gambit as switch over as you are used to play on tempos. You start with a pawn down, but as compensation you will get an enormous pressure on his Q-side.
Anyway good luck with your choice. I might try the vampire gambit one day. Name sounds good.
If you cannot win anymore from a certain strenght of player on tactics, that means also that you are not stronger in tactics but has reached the same level of strenght in your play on tactics as your opponent.
ReplyDeleteThat's not how it feels like. It feels as if I'm tactically playing like a 1900 and positionally like a 1500 player. Resulting in a 1700 player. I can't prove it, so maybe you are right and am I just misleading myself.
The only way to find out is trying. If things go terribly wrong, I can always return to my old repertoire. Actually I already flicked in 2 benko gambits in my cc games since I didn't knew what Karpov plays against 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4
But since I want to learn new things, I will try to ape the Karpovian style to it's limits. And beyond.
The experiment with the Colle has already ended. Conclusion: it's to straightforward. It's not a good idea to play for a position while more or less ignoring the enemy moves.
ReplyDeleteWhatever choice you make, many will be slaughtered. I hope that the new style will fit your "temperament".
It is time to learn things about isolated pawn, minorities attacks and hanging pawns in the middlegame. How to perform a pawn storm and above all which pawn structers you are aiming form. Then again you will have to learn a lot about endgames and piece mobility. Losing a tempo, gaining one. To me still way too complicated. So I will read with great interest your adventures in the d4-world of chess.