
Since I have a new job I might be invisible for some time. Already I feel I have more energy to think about my new job than to think about chess. To prevent that I end up in an empty trainwagon that's a good start. Forgetting the old job releases even more energy. Chesswise there isn't much to say anyway, since the conclusions have been drawn and it is a matter of just clinging on to the exercises.


  1. my sincerest and warmest well wishes for ongoing psychic and physical liberation for you heart and soul--not to mention chess effort! Achoo!

  2. I'll miss the posts, as this is one of the handful of blogs I read regularly.

    Please let us know once you write the perfect drilling computer program. :)

  3. Good luck with your new job! Yes, you have published an excellent series... may Caissa inspire you again after a short respite. :)

  4. Good luck with the new job! I'll miss your insightful posts. Maybe I can go back and re-read all of this and try to make more sense of it on the second go round.


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