Backward analize this!

Let me try to analyse backwards in order to find the seeds of my positional demise in a recent game. I belief that retrograde analysis is a term with a well specified meaning in chess, so in order to not annoy the few esoteric souls that are occupied with that I will use the term backward analysis in stead.
In the graph above you see the appreciation of Rybka of a game of me as white. Somewhere around move 19 I was pretty lost, allthough it took me a long time to say goodbye to the point.
What is so bad in the position of move 19 and how did it came about?
Let's have a look at the diagram.

I just moved Rad1.
What are the elements that make my position bad? That I feel obliged to give up the exchange?
- My knight is pinned.
- The diagonal d6 h2 is weak.
- The diagonal c5 g1 is weak.
- My knight has no place to go (besides that it is pinned).
- My knight is bound to the defense of pawn e4.
- The square e5 is firmly in the hands of the enemy.
- The f-file is in the hands of the enemy.
- My queen is bound to the defense of the knight.
- My queen has very little space.
- The d-file is of no use to me.
- 1. e4 weakens the c5 - g1 diagonal. No big deal at this moment :)
- 7. Bxc6 gives black a mobile pawn which he can use as a battering ram later on.
- 10. Ne2 heading for the weak postion on g3.
- 12. d4 weakening my e-pawn, give diagonal d6-h2 away, freeing blacks bishop and giving black a possible outpost on e5.
- 14. Nxe6 opening the f-line for black, exchange the defender of the c5-g1 diagonal, allowing Qh4
- 15. h3 weakening my knight
- 18. c3 taking away space of my Queen.
- 19. Rd1 giving up the exchange.
Move 13: Bxd4 instead? Lets you fight for e5 and maybe trade off dark-square bishops?
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting this, I will have to read it this week at work sometime, it looks great.
ReplyDeleteIs your notation in the game correct since after 33. ... Rd1 34. Rxd1 Qxd1 i am baffled that white plays 35. Qe3 and not Qxd1. Am i missing something?
ReplyDeleteNice to see you are still trying to solve the game of chess. 8)
ReplyDeleteI want to ask the same question as chesstiger.
That's an error indeed. My course for my work is finished, so I hope to elaborate on this soon. Yesterday we subscribed for the Tata chess tournament 2011, so I have a reason to dig in again.
ReplyDeleteso you finally discovered that my real name is David Small? :)
I wouldn't have played BxNc6.
ReplyDeleteMonday morning quarterback suggests the move Kh1 instead of Rad1, but why not f4, why not sac a pawn for activity? If it hadn't been for the loose b2 pawn, when you had to play c3, an e5 sac would have been nice, too.
Prize development over material a bit more, perhaps, once it's decided that the fight will be for a draw.