Method of exclusion redux.

. . . Little recognition. So far there has been little recognition of the supertrick idea. I have this idea for about 10 years now. I can be wrong of course. I'm not bound to any opinion. But as long as I have nothing better I stick with it. When I look back at those pesky 8-13 yo kids I used to encounter during summertournaments, I simply cannot imagine that their deliberate practice is decisive. Be it in quantity or quality. I always interviewed them afterwards to find out how they were working. I cannot discover any flaw or leak in my reasoning either. Guinea pig. The area of investigation has narrowed down vastly. I'm looking for the skills that maintain a stable representation of a future chessposition from where I can start analyzing. A stable platform or "stepping stone" (Tisdall) from which I can manipulate pieces without interference or a fading memory. Little is known about these skills and information is contradicting. I have to rely on the method of ex...