
Showing posts from May, 2011

Method of exclusion redux.

. . . Little recognition. So far there has been little recognition of the supertrick idea. I have this idea for about 10 years now. I can be wrong of course. I'm not bound to any opinion. But as long as I have nothing better I stick with it. When I look back at those pesky 8-13 yo kids I used to encounter during summertournaments, I simply cannot imagine that their deliberate practice is decisive. Be it in quantity or quality. I always interviewed them afterwards to find out how they were working. I cannot discover any flaw or leak in my reasoning either. Guinea pig. The area of investigation has narrowed down vastly. I'm looking for the skills that maintain a stable representation of a future chessposition from where I can start analyzing. A stable platform or "stepping stone" (Tisdall) from which I can manipulate pieces without interference or a fading memory. Little is known about these skills and information is contradicting. I have to rely on the method of ex...

Honing in

. . . If you look at my previous post , I divide the subjects that are presented there in two: The subjects where anyone will get an improvement by natural law as long as he is willing and able to put in deliberate practice , given enough time and effort. The supertrick . Where you can't make any progress no matter how much deliberate practice you put in it. It is the supertrick that I'm interested in. It's what makes us say, "gee, the boy is natural gifted". It gives the false impression of some kind of innate talent. Without mastering the supertrick, you simply cannot hope to ever reach a serious level of chess, no matter how much deliberate practice you put into it. Let's focus in on point 3 of my previous post: 3. The future position. All the skills you need in a current position are needed in a future position too. But there are a few additional problems to overcome too. You have to "see" the future position without using STM for it. You must...

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