New ATH FIDE estimated

Since my new approach to study tactics my FIDE estimated ATH increased from 1798 to 1844.
The graph above gives you a clue how to interpret these figures.
46 points in one week, not too shabby!
My new approach doesn't cover long king chases very well. I'm very bad at it either. Maybe I must find an apart search algorithm for that.
I am glad you use the Fide rating estimate to judge the improvement in tactics. The Blitz-Estimate is more reliable then the standard-estimate.
ReplyDeleteTempo, congratulations.
ReplyDeleteAox, I was first thinking this, too.
But it is the other way round (if it makes any difference at all):
The Standard Fide estimate is more accurate than the Blitz Fide estimate!
Richard is taking time into account when you solve puzzles in Standard mode. He needs to do this for obvious reasons, otherwise the fide estimate would rise the longer you think.
However (!), Richard says, the fide estimate for Blitz rating DOES NOT take time into account. So the longer you think on your first timers in CT Blitz mode, the higher your Fide estimate should rise. The only trouble is: Do you know that it is a first timer? For if you did for sure, you can be very careful and take your time. Your CT Blitz rating would suffer, but your fide estimate based on CT Blitz would actually rise.
Nevertheless, even if I knew it is a first-timer, I would keep my Blitz speed, because I dont want my CT Blitz rating to go down. So Richard is right if he says, it does not seem to make any difference if he takes time into account for evaluating a Fide estimation based on your CT Blitz first timers.
Then again, I would like to know: If it does not make any difference - then why not using the same Fide estimation formular for both, Standard and Blitz mode?
Anyway, the conclusion is, that the Standard-fide-Estimate is more reliable than the Blitz fide estimate, because you can manipulate the blitz estimation better than the standard estimation. It might not be an issue now, because there is no real incentive to cheat, because there is not ranked rating list for the blitz fide estimation. But as soon as there is, some people might cheat.
Aox said:
ReplyDeleteIf i did not miss anything:
richard said, the Blitz-fideestimate is more correlating to the real fide rating than the standard-fide estimate.
The blitz estimate dont need to take time into account because the time is already part of the blitz-rating! and the blitz rating is used to calculate the fide estimate.
Aox said: "The blitz estimate dont need to take time into account because the time is already part of the blitz-rating!"
ReplyDeleteLook: If you take too long for a puzzle in blitz mode, then you get a yellow flag.
However, for the Blitz fide estimate rating you get a "green" (if it was a first-timer). If you solve all your Blitz puzzles with a yellow flag (First timers included), then your fide estimate rises while your CT Blitz rating should fall.
If the standard estimate is a worse estimate than the Blitz estimate, then my only explanation for this is, that the standard rating is too inaccurate, and Richard should look at the blitz ratings only.
Aox said:
ReplyDeleteMunich said:
If you take too long for a puzzle in blitz mode, then you get a yellow flag. however, for the Blitz fide estimate rating you get a "green" (if it was a first-timer).
From Richards words i conclude: a yellow flag is yellow for the fise estimate to.
Do you remember the post of richard where he did say it would be a standard rating at firsttimer?
I have to ask...