Prelimanary tactics (continued)

In the previous post I ended with this conclusion:
If there exists something like prelimanary tactics we have to look in an area with the following characteristics:

  • Attacker placement (since you are only allowed to move your own pieces).
  • Based on specific considerations (otherwise it would be positional).
  • Non forcing (otherwise it would be a mature tactic).
After some thinking I identified the following categories:
  • Mobilization of attackers.
  • Multiple attackers .
  • Binding defenders.
There are situations that a certain configuration of targets is already in place, but there is no attacker in the neigbourhood to make use of it. In that case to have to bring your attacker closer to the attacking square first. You can think of the following constellation of targets:
  • Targets at a knight fork's distance.
  • Targets in line ready to be skewered.
  • Loose pieces.
  • Weak backrank.
  • Targets at a pawn f ork's distance.
  • Etc..
The preparation then consists of mobilization of your attacker towards the attacking square.

Multiple attackers.
Some duplo attacks require multiple attackers. Like the discovered attack or the simultaneous attack.
Before you can launch a discovered attack, you must first put your attackers in a battery. For piling up your attackers against a target, the same is true. Like for instance doubling your rooks on an open file.

Binding defenders.
If you attack targets, it puts obligations on the shoulders of the defenders. Such obligations limit the mobility of the defenders. Preparation for combinations happens by diminishing the possibilities of the pieces of your opponent. Only when your opponent runs out of options, a combination can become forced. Typical ways to deny hostile pieces options is to take space away from them (a positional method) or to bind those pieces to the defense.

After analysing how a combination came about in a game, I came to the following conclusion:
  • Make sound moves based on simple positional considerations.
  • Have a keen eye for the consequences of the moves of your opponent.
I asked myself the question "is that all there is?".
Must I sit and wait until my opponent is so friendly to jump into the abyss all by himself?
Or can I encourage him to jump?
I find two kinds of preparational moves that are tactic specific: mobilization and multiple attackers. Both methods are rather straight forward and simple. It is hard to believe that this is going to gain you many points, since you probably already do this without noticing it.

The most promising area is binding defenders. The advantage is that it is an active method. You don't have to sit and wait until your opponent makes a mistake. If you can bind so much defenders that your opponent runs out of defenders, a combination becomes inevitable. Defenders look just like normal pieces. Overworked pieces don't colour red, so you need to develop an eye for them to spot them. This makes binding defenders an interesting weapon.


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