The other branches
We have seen that there are three sorts of immobility.
The big tree of motifs provides an ideal framework to give other knowledge a solid base to be hanged upon, in a way that we can find back that knowledge. For every single problem to be solved, the PLF (PoPLoAFun) system is useful. This doesn't mean that the sole use of the PLF system is enough to solve every problem. The system needs extensions. The coming time I will try to inventory which extensions are needed. You have to be a little patient, since during the inventory it is too early to draw already any conclusions. I presume.
Let's elaborate on the assault one more time again.
2kr3r/Qpp1n1p1/2b2pp1/4b3/8/6N1/PPP2P2/R1B2RK1 b - - 0 1
The PLF system gives you a clear idea where to focus your attention: on the pieces that lack mobility. Caused by time, space and or function.
In order to solve a position like this, you need to have a special skill. You need to be able to see the room for manoeuvre of the white king. You need to be able to see the "cage" or "box" around the white king. It isn't necessary to see it right from the first move, but when you chase the white king, there will come a moment that you must recognize this cage:
- Time (duplo attack)
- Space (trap, mate)
- Function (defense, overloading)
The big tree of motifs provides an ideal framework to give other knowledge a solid base to be hanged upon, in a way that we can find back that knowledge. For every single problem to be solved, the PLF (PoPLoAFun) system is useful. This doesn't mean that the sole use of the PLF system is enough to solve every problem. The system needs extensions. The coming time I will try to inventory which extensions are needed. You have to be a little patient, since during the inventory it is too early to draw already any conclusions. I presume.
Let's elaborate on the assault one more time again.
Diagram 1. Black to move |
2kr3r/Qpp1n1p1/2b2pp1/4b3/8/6N1/PPP2P2/R1B2RK1 b - - 0 1
The PLF system gives you a clear idea where to focus your attention: on the pieces that lack mobility. Caused by time, space and or function.
In order to solve a position like this, you need to have a special skill. You need to be able to see the room for manoeuvre of the white king. You need to be able to see the "cage" or "box" around the white king. It isn't necessary to see it right from the first move, but when you chase the white king, there will come a moment that you must recognize this cage:
Btw this is post 971. And the 6873th comment (total of all commenters).
ReplyDeleteI have already solved this position ;). It was probably a few months ago. At first I was struggling very much, but nowadays I have some points and hints and they help me to find the right idea. After that I can search the most promising lines and execute these on the board (diagram).
ReplyDeleteIf I can help anyhow at the "mating the King in the cage" you can ask me whatever you wish/need. I have shredded my mind by such puzzles and now I feel I got some ideas.
Here you have 2 puzzles (diagrams) mate in 10 each (at the end of the article: both puzzles, white starts and mates in 10). Maybe they can help you anyhow or inspire you to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
BTW. How many posts (comments) and articles are the necessary point... after you start writing the book - very similar to Martin Weteschnik's opus magnum :). I am not kidding - I simply want to stress HOW MUCH your ideas, findings and discoveries may be valuable. I have never heard nor seen the person who made such dedication and a lot of effort... to understand the topic of "basic of tactics".
And to be clear: I do not deny (depreciate) your articles, but want to tell you that writing and composing these articles as a form of book... can give you (and us!) a lot of very high quality chess knowledge (not to mention great methods of finding the conrete moves and variations in 1/10th of time usually spend by chess amateurs).
That is an ENORMOUS amount of very in-depth investigation of adult chess improvement by everyone! I knew my contribution was relatively insignificant. I know I have gained considerable SKILL (as well as KNOWLEDGE) from reading this blog. Thank you all, and especially Temposchlucker, for your contributions here!
ReplyDelete2009.1 for the problem.
I "saw" the first move in less than 5 seconds as a POTENTIALITY (based on pattern recognition: BRh8, BBc6 and the common PoP/LoA), BUT it took quite a bit longer to understand the necessary second move (based on logical thought) because it appeared that the White King might be able to escape from the "box." After figuring that out, the new location of the "box" and consequently the solution became quickly apparent. It was amusing to think of the BRd8 as a "reloader" (Weteschnik) of sorts.
Thanks guys! Your cheering keeps me going!
ReplyDeleteConcerning the position of this post, it is not that I lack the skill to see the cage. What lacks is the trigger that shouts in my ear: "Now it is time to look for a cage!
With hindsight, it is of course very logical to look for the cage when chasing the king seems to be the only option.
When you look at the problems at CT, you see how well the vulture is chosen as an avatar. The prey is already hit by a truck (=the last move of your opponent which doesn't adress his problems).