Some thoughts on generalization

While I did my daily exercises to memorize the tree of scenarios, I noticed something.

The scenarios for a hanging piece are:
  • Neutralize the counter attack before capture
  • Defend against counter attack after capture
A hanging piece has only a bare capture as scenario when it is a low rated problem. A higher rated problem always has a complication in the form of a counter attack that you have to neutralize. Be it for the capture, or after the capture of both.

If you think about it, there is no reason why these two scenarios only would apply to a hanging piece. In fact, any combination, like for instance a trap (lack of space) or conquering a B.A.D. (Barely Adequate Defended) piece can be complicated by these two scenarios.

The scenarios for a B.A.D. (Barely Adequate Defended) piece are:
  • Remove defender
  • Add attackers
  • Cut off defenders
  • Duplo attack it
If you think about it, there is no reason why the scenarios add attacker and cut off defenders only would apply to a B.A.D. (Barely Adequate Defended) piece. And indeed, when you look for the scenarios to conquer a target with lack of space, you see there these both scenarios too.

Remove the defender and duplo attack belong to the scenario family associated with the initiative:
  • capture defender
  • capture with additional threat
  • duplo attack
This means that the following scenarios are generally applicable:
  • Neutralize the counter attack before
  • Defend against counter attack after
  • Add attackers
  • Cut off defenders
  • capture defender
  • capture with additional threat
  • duplo attack
Just a few thoughts.


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