The mad HADter

I was dabbling around for a new opening against 1. e4. I have tried a lot in the past:
  • Alekhine defense
  • Scandinavian Marshall gambit
  • Sicilian Najdorf
  • Sicilian Pelican
  • French defense
  • Caro Kan
  • Black Lion
  • Queens Indian
  • Polish defense
  • Benoni
  • Benko gambit
  • Pirc
  • Modern defense
  • Petroff defense
  • Albin counter gambit
All had their function at one moment in time. But now I'm changing my style from tactical to positional, I need a decent opening that don't get me mated before move 25. And I seem to have found just that in the Hyper Accelerated Dragon (HAD)!
I'm going to give it a serious try.
Maybe I'm going to add the Sniper to my repertoire, which is inspired by the HAD, and suitable for a lot of other first moves.


  1. some criteria for choosing an opening
    1. There are some good books about it
    2. There are some good videos at youtube about it
    3. It fits the own style

    I dont think the HAD is a positional opening, you have to know for example what to do with the jugoslav attack ( f3,Be3,Qd2,h4,g4,000 )

    And even the maroczy bind with c4 gets tactical with a hedgehog for example.
    I suggest to play a few hundred blitzgames with it and run the engine with a good openingbook like Hiarcs14??Book over it as aftermath

  2. I dont think the HAD is a positional opening, you have to know for example what to do with the jugoslav attack ( f3,Be3,Qd2,h4,g4,000 )

    From the book of Raja Pajwani:

    "White can't play the critical Yugoslav Attack against the Accelerated Dragon (despite this being lesson #1 of the Accelerated Dragon, a surprising number of masters have not gotten the memo)"

    That's why the dragon was ACCELERATED in the first place!

    "One of the remarkable things about the Accelerated Dragon is it's appeal to players with vastly different styles. Compare Bent Larsen, the epitome of dynamic, offbeat, risky chess, with Sergei Tiviakov, who claimed that his style has been mostly shaped by Petrosian (who was a great Accelerated Dragon devotee by himself)"

    The most important reason for my opening choice is that I understand what I'm trying to accomplish with it.

    1. "Raja Pajwani" should read as Raja Panjwani

    2. I play the HAD since decades, many ( sometimes higer rated) players used the yougoslav attack against me with sucess. Lost yesterday a blitzgame this way
      Well there are other problems, like the morra, on the road , the sicilian gambit 1.e4 c4 2.b4 and so on.
      Non tactical openings dont exist, chess remains to be mostly tactics


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