The expectation paradox
300 million years of evolution has equipped us with the skill to predict the future. To a certain degree. During our lifetime, we gather expectations of what we might meet next. These expectations help us to anticipate the future and to react lightning fast. These expectations are in the realm of system 1 (unconscious brain activity). We expect where the ball is heading, and we can hit it back before system 2 knows what is going on. In discussions, we learn how arguments can be met by counter arguments, and when we have enough arguments gathered, we can discuss fast, and without thinking. Most of these expectations are gathered during our youth. At a certain age, your database with automatic expectations seems to be fully filled. Or you just run out of new patterns. It is easy to see, that the art of anticipation makes us lightning fast. By anticipation, you eliminate the need for using system 2. Which is notoriously slow. The two drawbacks of anticipation Anticipation has two dra...