SEEing exercise

 I'm investigating methods to educate system 1. Take the following position:

Black to move

8/6pk/2Q1bp1p/8/5b2/2Bq1N1P/P4PP1/6K1 b - - 0 32

Wat elements are there to SEE?

  • the line of attack c4 / f1, building up a battery
  • the covering of the skedaddle square h2
  • the back rank mate
  • the interference of the white defense of Bc3 by the white Queen
After 1. ... Bc4 2. Nd2

Black to move

What is there to SEE?
  • the knight covers the mating square f1
  • black cannot take with Bxd2 since the black Queen is then overloaded
The white bishop on c3 is taboo too because of the double attack of the white Queen:

Black to move

  • white bishop is taboo
  • double attack with white Qe4 => Kh7+  and Bf4
And after 2, ,,, Bd5:

White to move
What is there to SEE?

  • The black bishop moves to d5 where it no longer overloads the black Queen
  • The black bishop moves with tempo
  • Essentially this is a duplo attack on the white Queen and Knight

Treat it as a SEEing exercise:
  • SEE all the bullet points above
  • don't worry about the tree of analysis. Let Mr. Stockfish take care of that
  • don't worry about move orders
As you see, there are quite an amount of different words to SEE: lines of attack, double attack, interference, moves with additional punch, loading a battery etcetera. If your system 1 learns to SEE these elements, you will see that calculations become much more easy. There is no silver bullet. Which doesn't prevent me from looking for one.


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