What is the difference between a crocodile?
What is the difference between a crocodile? The greener, the it swims.
This riddle is already nonsensical before it is translated from Dutch. I have now reached a section with chess puzzles that is called "in between moves". And often I feel like I'm hearing this riddle. I know the words are correct, but it has no meaning to me. Which makes sense, since the words have no meaning. But in the chess puzzles, the moves have a definite meaning. Yet, I simply feel nothing.
Of course, it is a good thing if something like that happens to your opponent. If their mind is numb for the why behind a move. They simply don't hear the alarm bells going off. So it is important that I find the why myself. Which proves to be not an easy task. Take for instance this position:
2qr2n1/6pk/1nr2pp1/p1N1p3/P3P2P/BQ4P1/2R2P1K/2R5 w - - 0 36
I simply feel numb when I see the winning moves. Why on earth would I even consider 1. Nd7 ?
The RCCM triggers two chunks at first glance (in no particular order):
ReplyDelete1 - BRc6 is "pinned" AND c6-square is [2:1].
2 - BNb6 is B.A.D.
Those two surface-level cues combined strongly suggest moving WNc5 with a threat.
The threat could be either 1. Nd7 or 1. Ne6. There does not seem to be any other moves that try to take advantage of the situation as-is.
1. Nd7 looks more complicated (because of the counter-threat of 1. .... Rxc2). So, that suggests first taking a look (using variation processing - Tisdal) down that tunnel. It takes concrete analysis to find the correct in-between move (either 2. Nxb6 or 2. Nf8+). In either case, that move is not far from the surface (System 1 suggestions).
My apology if that seems too "convenient" or "simplistic." That's just how the RCCM works for ME.
That has always been the trouble of giving examples on this blog. The things that shut down my brain are always highly personal. Meaning that other people often see the position as simple. Which cuts out my work for me, I can only be satisfied when it is simple for me too. Writing a post about it and comments like yours help, by the way. Especially the chapter about in between moves causes my mind to shut down often.