Perception attempt 1

 When logic and perception were intermingled, I couldn't decide on the best choice for the dataset with puzzles to use for training. Since both logic and perception have different needs.

The constraints for visual perception puzzles are:

  • The problems must be as simple as possible
  • I should be able to see the solution immediately, but don't
  • Subject is that tempo's are important
I decided on the puzzles of ChessTempo:
  • Only one move deep (should guarantee simplicity)
  • Rating between 1700 and 1800 (should guarantee not easy to see)
For instance this one:

White to move
1r5k/5b1p/p2p1r2/5P1p/1q1N1QnP/2N3R1/1PP5/2KR4 w - - 1 1 

This is my first attempt to focus on visual perception. Where visual can refer to the mind's eye. You will have to bear with me as long as nothing is crystallized out yet. Let's invent a method.

I'm using Xmind. With that I'm able to take the chessboard away so I can focus on visualizing the concepts, without being distracted by the pieces or the moves. I hope to develop some consistent visual language.


  1. I approached it by looking to "SEE" what is most obvious (on the surface) and then applying the process of elimination: if at first you don't succeed, try something different. Definitely NOT following GM Kotov’s advice to FIRST list all the candidate moves!

    First, a look at the Knight fork 1. Nc6 (queen and rook). Unfortunately, there are two obvious "killers": 1... Qxf4+ (queen up in material) and 1... Qxb2+ (which might have been good, if the other refutation wasn't available, gaining time to get the rook out of attack. NOPE!

    Second, a look at the Knight fork 1. Nd5, attacking the Black queen. Unfortunately, 1... Qxb2+ (intermezzo) 2. Kd2 Bxd5 snatches the Knight for free us a pawn. NOPE!

    Last, because the solution is obviously not lying on the surface, a look at the status of the BRf6. Hmmm, no safe place to go if attacked, but it is defended (at the moment) by BNg4. THAT IS A “FUNCTION” CLUE! I previously stated that Function is ALWAYS related to an absence or reduction of tempi for the defending side. A Check, Capture or Threat (CCT) would give an extra tempo to attack that Rook with the Queen. AHA! Capture the defender FIRST, followed by the attack on the Rook. 1. Rxg4 Qxb2+ 2. Kd2 hxg4 3. Qg5 and the BRf6 falls next move because Black has no way to defend it. Quick blunder check to "SEE" if I overlooked any other CCT; NOPE, DO IT!

    Logic says (hat tip to Sherlock Holmes while paraphrasing): “When you have eliminated [the obvious and] all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

    The “trick” is “SEEing” the absence or reduction of tempi associated with the Function. A capture is forcing IFF there are no alternatives to recapturing. Black does have a Zwischenschach but Black has no follow-up to maintain the initiative via the right to move first.

    Learning the “trick” means learning to “SEE” what is missing – in drawing terms, “SEE” the negative space(s). The Function(s) lie on the surface and are readily observed; we have to consciously (during training) "transform" our perception of what each salient piece is doing to the corresponding conception of "missing" tempi.

  2. Sorry, I have no idea what "snatches the Knight for free us a pawn" was supposed to mean. I sometimes accidentally hit the built-in mousepad (although I always use my cordless mouse) while typing and it goes wherever it goes.


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