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black to move |
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Salient point: double attack 1.Qxd4 >>Ne5 AND >>Ra1
Zoom in
Logic: How can white defend that? 1. . . . Bc3 defends both targets
Zoom out
Salient point: Ne4 is B.A.D. (Barely Adequate Defended).
Zoom in
Logic: Can I harass one of the defenders? No. Can I add an attacker with tempo?
Zoom out
Aha! The double attack adds an attacker with tempo! Connection between two little straight sequences!
Zoom in
Logic: Work out the details with that scary looking rook at a8 and the right additional punches at the right time and all the move order stuff.
Play the move.
System 2 to move |
That’s a pretty expensive bike for training wheels, but, you have to start somewhere.
ReplyDeleteSEE the double attack [WNe5 and WRa1] on the d4-square. Potential mutual protection by WBd2 moving to the c3-square.
SEE the B.A.D. e4-square.
SEE the two local areas: (1) WBg2, WQc2, WRh1 versus BNf6, BBb7, BRa1 [LoA: a8-h1] and (2) BQd8 versus WNe5, Wra1, potentially WBc3 [LoA: d8-d4, e5-a1, c3-e5 & a1]
What is the connection between the two local areas? The d4-square and e4-square.
White’s last move ‘threatens’ WNxf6+, getting rid of the target on the e4-square AND simultaneously opening the LoA to BBb7 and BRa8.
Remove that threat and simultaneously substitute a different target piece on the e4-square 1… Bxe4. To maintain the material balance, White MUST recapture on the e4-square 2. Bxe4. White COULD recapture with the Queen, but would lose to 2… Nxe4.
Connect the two local areas with 2… Qxd4 AND simultaneously a triple attack [WBe4, WNe5, WR1]. Only two of the three targets can be protected by 3. Bc3.
3… Qxe4 4. Qxe4 Nxe4 and Black is winning.
The order of SEEing the elements on the surface and then deriving the essence will vary from player to player. Some like it hot, some like it cold, as long as it’s not in the pot, nine days old [with System 2 ‘stewing’ over “what to do? what to do?” using trial and error].
All roads lead to Rome.
I am analyzing the position and I am not sure if Tempo did that on purpose on was that any kind of thinking without the best moves revealed?
ReplyDeleteWhat do I mean? In the article 1...Qxd4 is played as best (?) move to show the triple attack.
When I checked out with SF it shows immediately that 1... Qxd4 is pretty bad as white gets the advantage.
2. Nxf6+ gxf6 3. Bc3 Bxg2 4. Bxd4 Bxh1 5. f3 Nd7 6. Qe4 Rd8 7. Nxd7 cxd4 8. Nxf6+ Bxf6 9. Kf2 Bxf3 10. Qxf3 Be5 (+1.1 eval).
I love the analysis and all the ideas guys. Even if I do not comment too often I try to read all the articles and comments (some of these even up to 8-10 times).
I got the move numbers wrong 1.Qxd4 ande 1. ... Bc3 should read as 1. ....Qxd4 and 2.Bc3. That is confusing. But I don't think that confused you.
DeleteIt was just a demonstration of my thinking process. Zoom out (system 1) and I see the double attack of 1. ... Qxd4. Zoom in (system 2) 2.Bc3 oh no, that is not good.
Tomasz, it's good to see you commenting again!
DeleteWhat does the eagle do while flying around high in the sky? When it sees a target (food), it ZOOMS IN and launch a direct attack. If that attack is unsuccessful (for whatever reason), it ZOOMS OUT and refocuses on that target OR it looks for a different target.
Play chess like an eagle!
I teach in a similar way even if I use a bit different terminology. I tell my students to focus on the targets and see how these can be captured. If the target is the king - it is a checkmate, if the advanced (passed) pawn - the promotion or any other types - winning material (due to the tactical weaknesses or motifs/themes).
DeleteThank you for thousands of your comments. I wish one day both of you publish chess book and workbooks related to the concepts we have been discovering and discussing here. It would be something like a "Step method" series - as there are many fantastic discoveries here... and I teach these and my community loves it! Even if sometimes there are concepts you are talking about completely over my head (and brain), I try to see what is the goal and how it can be applied at teaching and explaining chess, step by step!
Zoom in, Zoom out, chess seems quite easy if you work it (and figure it) out!
@Tomasz, it is good to hear from you. It motivates to write when you know that someone is reading it.
ReplyDeleteI have been reading the blog for the recent 8-9 years (continuously). Last 4 years I have streamed chess at Twitch and recent 3-4 months I am sharing your ideas (the articles) among my chess community... and they LOVE it!
DeleteIf I can estimate - I missed (not read) about 8-10% of articles you published in last 8-9 years. Even if there are a lot of ideas I struggle to understand, there are at least 25% of articles I enjoy very much and come back, analyse, reflect and think - many, many times!
Thank you very much my friend for digging all the chess ground and sharing the gold with our community! I share your ideas and show my community how many amazing concepts you are creating and discovering!