
Continuation of the previous post. 

After 39.Kg5 is black in zugzwang. From here I don't follow the exact game due to repetition in time trouble and mutual errors which compensate each other. That obscures the method.

Black to move

8/2b2k2/1pp1pBp1/p1p1P1K1/P1P2P2/1P6/7P/8 b - - 4 39 

Both the king and the bishop cannot move. The only option for black is to try 39. ... b5 

39. Kg5 b5 

40. Kh6 bxa4

41. bxa4 Bb6 

42. h4 Bc7 

43. Kh7 Bb6 

44. Be7 

Luring the black King away

Black to move

8/4Bk1K/1bp1p1p1/p1p1P3/P1P2P1P/8/8/8 b - - 4 44 

44. ... Kxe7 

45. Kxg6 Kf8 

46. h5 Kg8

47. Kf6 

Attack on two fronts

Black to move

6k1/8/1bp1pK2/p1p1P2P/P1P2P2/8/8/8 b - - 2 47 

47. . . . Bd8+ 

48. Kxe6 Kg7 

49. Kd7 Bh4 

50. e6 Kf8 

51. h6 

Change of front again

Black to move

5k2/3K4/2p1P2P/p1p5/P1P2P1b/8/8/8 b - - 0 51 

51. ... Bf6 

52. f5 Bg5 

53. h7 Kg7 

54. e7 Bxe7 

55. Kxe7 Kxh7  and black resigns.


  1. Do any of you guys know a simple pgn viewer to embed in blogger? Not too much bells and whistles please.


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