Avoiding confusion
I do a lot of brainstorming lately, which leads to posts that might confuse you. In order to prevent confusion, I will elaborate a bit more every now and then.
Tactical algorithm
In March 2023, I defined how the transformation of knowledge into skill works theoretically. System 2 transforms the solution of a problem into a logical narrative, while system 1 looks over the shoulder and absorbs the patterns that belong to the narrative. The past 1.5 year I have been experimenting with the exact practical form of this exercise. Which type of problems, at what pace, at what detail and so on. I think I have found that form one or two months ago.
- Problem set 1001 Chess Exercises for Advanced Club Players by FM Frank Erwich.
- Pace 1 or 2 problems per day
- Spaced repetition by Chessable Movetrainer
FM Frank Erwich provides a free lunch by annotating the moves to a certain level. GM Stockfish does the rest.
The tactical algorithm is implicitly woven into the course. The material is divided over different chapters.
Hence the only thing to do is to create a logical narrative and absorb the patterns. Once the patterns are absorbed, I don't need an explicit tactical algorithm anymore. An algorithm is only of use in the study room anyway. For OTB it is too slow.
The absorbed patterns take care of the algorithm in OTB play. They provide the retrieval of the logic that go with the patterns.
Positional algorithm
Tactically, I have a logical framework, what we called the PoPLoAFun system. Positionally, there is no such logical framework yet. Before I can create logical narratives for positional problems, I need such framework.
To some degree, a positional framework might be build on the idea of the lines of attack.
- A developing piece should add something to the conquest of the center
- A pawn break at the right moment should lead to an invasion square
- The right exchanges should lead to domination of the invasion square
If I talk about an algorithm, then I mean a positional algorithm that provides a logical framework to build logical narratives on.
Questions for the algorithm:
ReplyDeleteWhich pawn of the enemy restricts my pieces (LoA)?
Can I undermine it? (clear the LoA)
Which of my own pawns stands in the way? (clearing the LoA)