Piece activation

 I'm investigating positional play from the opening to the invasion. A lot about the conquest of the center remains unclear. But from time to time a tip of the veil is raised.

For instance how to fight to increase piece activity.

Black to move

6k1/5ppp/2n5/1pp1p3/4P3/1PP5/2B2PPP/6K1 b - - 0 1

Pawns have the ability to restrict pieces. The pieces need manoeuvering room. This implicates that pawn moves are dictated by the position of the pieces.

In the above position c3 is restricting the activity of the knight. 1. ... b4 undermines the pawn c3. And after 2.cxb4 Nd4, the active knight dominates the game, while the white bishop is severely restricted by its own pawns. Creating an outpost by undermining.

Another clear position:

Black to move

r5k1/1b3ppp/3p4/3Pp1b1/1q2P3/N2B4/1P3PPP/Q4K1R b - - 0 21

The move 1. ... f5 might feel counter intuitive, since it frees the white bishop. But whites king position is unsafe, while blacks king is perfectly fine. Furthermore, the white pieces don't coordinate, while whites rook isn't even developed at all. If the position is opening up, only black is going to make use of the extra manoeuvring room.

It is constantly weighting the balance who will benefit from the change in pawn structure.


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