Preconditions I

 Let me start with a concrete position and see what we can find.

BLACK to move

rnb2rk1/1pq1bppp/p2ppn2/8/3NPPP1/2N1B3/PPP1B2P/R2Q1RK1 b - g3 0 10

Volokitin, A. vs. Zheliandinov, V.

White has just played 10.g4

The move g4 is not uncommon in the Scheveningen (always funny how foreigners pronounce this). It is made possible by blacks pawn on e6, which decreases blacks grip on g4.

Let us see if we can describe the LoA landscape in a way that it justifies such bold move.

I'm going to take my time. Maybe I need a few days. Or weeks. I'm trying to get to the core of the position. If I need more posts for the same position, then so be it. I intend to describe:

  • The LoAs
  • The relative place of the attackers to the lines of attack (LoAs)
  • The distance of the defenders relative to the LoAs
  • The impeding pawns that hamper access to the LoAs
  • The initiative, or many pieces can you kick
  • Counter attacks
The LoAs and their attackers
  • Nd4-e6-f8
  • Nd4-e6-g7
  • Nd4-f5-e7+
  • Nd4-f5-h6+
  • Be3-h6-g7
  • Be3-d4-g7
  • Nc3-d5-f6+
  • Nc3-d5-e7+
  • Nc3-e4-f6+
  • Be2-h5-f7+
  • Be2-d3-h7+
  • Rf1-g1-g7+
  • Rf1-f7
Reserve attackers:
  • Qd1
  • Ra1
Own pawns
  • e4
  • f4
  • g4
Currently these pawns are impeding the LoAs. But they are mobile, and they can go forward while kicking pieces. Thus clearing the LoAs with tempo and adding pivotal squares.

To be continued. . .


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