Preconditions II

 Same position. From blacks point of view.

Black to move

rnb2rk1/1pq1bppp/p2ppn2/8/3NPPP1/2N1B3/PPP1B2P/R2Q1RK1 b - g3 0 10

Which black defenders can intervene with the active lines of attack (LoAs) against the black king?

  • Nf6-h7
  • Nf6-e8-g7
  • Nf6-h5
  • Nf6-g4
  • Bc8-g4
The following pieces need too much time to have an influence on the LoAs:
  • Rf8
  • Qc7
  • Nc6
  • Ra8
The black pawns are blockading the defenders:
  • e6
  • d6

Although the black pawns are mobile, there is not enough time to set up a defense or a counter attack, because Nf6 is about to be kicked, thus losing another defender with tempo. The black pieces on the queenside are undeveloped, hence unable to participate in a counter attack yet.


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