Synopsis. First try

 Finite amount of LoAs

There is a finite amount of lines of attack.

This already cuts down the amount of things to think about drastically

Moving target
All LoAs are geared around the king. That is because a LoA ends near to the king. But when the opposing king hasn't castled yet, you don't know where to aim your attackers to. Only in rare cases you are able to force the king to stay in the middle. This means that when the target hasn't stabilized, you can only go so far when it comes to placing your attackers. Once the king has castled, you can go all out.

The role of the pawns is paramount. Their effect is twofold.
  • They drastically cut down the amount of LoAs that are usable
  • They increase the approach time of both attackers and defenders, but in an unbalanced way
Pawns come in two flavors. Your own pawns and your enemies pawns. Pawn breaks can alter the LoA landscape in a moments notice. All of a sudden, other attackers, other defenders and other squares become relevant.

As long as the killbox around the king isn't stabilized to a certain degree, you cannot decide which lines of attack are going to be crucial. Hence statistics and flexibility are the only guidelines you have. Keep your own options open while limiting the options of your opponent.

When the pawns are fixed, it has an effect on the LoAs. When the LoAs are fixed, you can make a judgement which pieces are good and which pieces are bad. By exchanging the right pieces, you can change the balance. Even a color complex where you dominate might emerge.

Change of plans
When a pawn moves, the LoA landscape changes.
When pieces are exchanged, the users of the LoAs change.
Hence that are the two criteria to adjust your plans. It are long term changes.

There are standard scenarios that are geared around the domination of the lines of attack. Like clearing of the LoA and changing the balance of a focal point. From B.A.D. to worse. I reckon that the preconditions of Vukovic emerge here.

This synopsis focuses on generalisation. With conceptualisation, you lose details. That is great, because it cuts down the amount of things to think about. A grandmaster doesn't think faster, he thinks less.
But once the diagnosis is clear, the next step is to implement the remedy. For that you can't do without calculation. Calculation is about adding the details again.


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