Invaders and helpers
Black to move |
1k6/1b3p1p/p7/3qp3/Np5Q/4BP2/PPP3rP/R4K2 b - - 1 26
Jean-Marc Degraeve vs. Laurent Guidarelli (2003)
Source Chessable The Checkmate Patterns Manual
- The black queen and bishop cooperate to invade f3
- Once invaded, a new invasion square emerges: The black rook and queen eye to f2
- But that focal point is defended by the white queen and bishop
- After 1. ... Qxf3+ 2. Bf2 the helper black rook sacrifices itself 2. ... Rg1+ and acts as a magnet to attract the white king to another square
- White gives mate from one of the two invasion squares g2 or h1
The invasion squares are clearly dynamic, and move with the pieces
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