Understanding the Leningrad Dutch

Terminology. The Leningrad Dutch with reversed colors = a variation of Birds opening = Polar Bear The Bird has a terrible reputation. According to GM Henrik Danielsen that is caused by the fact that there is no reliable theory about the Bird available. He has found new lines, which make it a strong system. This system, which he plays with both black and white, he has called the Polar Bear . Possibly because the opening is slow and strong. From now on I use the term Polar Bear for both black and white. Beyond this specific opening. The research of this opening will yield results that can be used outside this opening in two ways. First the pawn structure bears resemblance with both the KID and the closed Sicilian. A good understanding of the Polar Bear will be of great value of understanding those openings. Second it is a positional opening pur sang. Study of this opening will help me to grasp positional ideas in general. Before the main position. I fired up about 20 cc-games with the Po...