A few answers to Bright Knight

BK said: It is not at all clear that it is easier to improve by a fixed percentage on harder problems than it is on easier ones. Back in the days of the Bain Experiment, I found that reducing my solution times by a fixed percentage for my first pass through the first batch of problems gave a good fit to my solution times on the first passes through the later batches of problems. That appears to be roughly right for Woolum too. I advocate to train every specific task that you have to perform in a specialized way. Optimized for that specific task. Preventing diminishing returns. The first thing to do is to determine which tasks we are talking about. Every tasks has its own specialized sets of patterns associated with it, and if you don't find out which patterns to learn, chances are high that you don't learn these patterns at all. First task: 20 tactical elements. The first task we have identified is that we have 20 - 30 elementary tactical themes, depending on t...