There are no categories of grand schemes

Quite some time ago I was working on sacrifices at f7 from a chapter in one of Papa Polgar's bricks. I wanted to define a "grand scheme of sacrifices on f7". I had figured out that in order to make such sacrifice work, you need three pieces that work in a tandem: a knight (on g5 for instance), a bishop on the diagonal a2-g8 and a queen ready to jump on that diagonal. Further e6 should be underprotected, for instance because there is a black knight at d7. The targets are: Mate Smothered queen Ra8 via a knightfork at c7 At the time I was very proud of it, and over the years I have used the knowledge two or three times to judge a sacrifice. It might have even won me a game, I can't remember. So when I had memorized 178 high rated games lately and decided to categorize them, I was very optimistic. You probably have seen that character trait of mine one or two times before :) What I found is that the positions simply are too different to push them in a conce...