A few examples. Example 1.
Let me try to work out a few examples of my thought process. White to move and win r1r4k/2qbbppp/pp2p3/4p3/Pn1N1P2/2B3Q1/1PP1B1PP/R4R1K w - - 0 1 Solution Step 0 Count the pieces. This is an artificial step which is specifically designed for chess problems. An imbalance here might mean that the usual thought process is not applicable. For instance when you are a piece ahead, the only goal is to get not mated, so you can use your advantage. Or when you are a piece behind, you can rule out a series of captures since they will not yield you enough wood. In a real game you already know the material balance, so you don't need to count for it. Step 1 Lack of space. The king has a lack of space. Since there are 3 white pieces converging at g7, the lack op space is important. Step 2 Double attack. Nxe6 Bxe5 Both double attacks are aiming at the same targets. Step 3 Discovered attack. Batteries: Qg3 f4 no relevant targets Rf1 f4 only one relevant target Bc3 Nd4 t...