Depreciation of the simple
The biggest hurdle with building tactical prowess, is the unawareness of the simple. We know all tactical themes well, or motifs, or whatever we call it. For the non native English speaking folks: a motif and a motive are different things. By knowing the motif, we are unaware of the fact that our knowledge is rather superficial. We recognize a pin when we see one, but the implications of a pin are only theoretically known. If we are lucky, we can drum up the possible ways to exploit it. But since that is a system II activity, we are already 30 seconds further on the clock. Seeing the ramifications of a pin, is a whole different animal. I have learned 500 tactical positions by heart, but only now I try to dive a bit deeper into these positions, the details of the positions emerge. It is better to know 500 positions thoroughly, than 1000 positions superficially. With hindsight, 500 is way to much. Chop it up in chunks of 75. We talked about that before. And I did do that. What I did...