SEEing exercise

I'm investigating methods to educate system 1. Take the following position: Black to move 8/6pk/2Q1bp1p/8/5b2/2Bq1N1P/P4PP1/6K1 b - - 0 32 Wat elements are there to SEE? the line of attack c4 / f1, building up a battery the covering of the skedaddle square h2 the back rank mate the interference of the white defense of Bc3 by the white Queen After 1. ... Bc4 2. Nd2 Black to move What is there to SEE? the knight covers the mating square f1 black cannot take with Bxd2 since the black Queen is then overloaded The white bishop on c3 is taboo too because of the double attack of the white Queen: Black to move white bishop is taboo double attack with white Qe4 => Kh7+ and Bf4 And after 2, ,,, Bd5: White to move What is there to SEE? The black bishop moves to d5 where it no longer overloads the black Queen The black bishop moves with tempo Essentially this is a duplo attack on the white Queen and Knight Treat it as a SEEing exercise: SEE all the bullet points above don't worry abo...