Perception and verbalization
Robert and I seem to be struggling with the precise role of perception and verbalization in the acquisition of tactical skills. Let's try a different angle of attack. I'm very fond of the Reti manoeuvre. There is a whiff of magic in it. And it seems to express the core of chess: striving for two goals with one move. But before we can strive for two goals, we must first learn to strive for one goal. That is not as easy as it sounds. My ordinary method of throwing everything to the wall and see what sticks is abysmal inefficient when the tree of analysis transforms into a jungle. The core of my new method is to use logic as a machete. But logic is awfully inefficient too, because it is applied by system 2, which is notoriously slow by its very nature. In order to speed up things, we must siphon as much tasks as possible from system 2 to system 1. How to do that? look for a goal generalize the goal without accepting trivialities look for patterns that accompany the goal Let me ex...