Those pesky weeds

As serious chessplayer I have to cut down seriously on all lesser important occupations like watching TV, washing dishes, going to anniversaries, garden maintenance etc.. As a result my garden looks usually like a mess . But when I rested between two problems, I walked into my garden and saw that it was taken over by Aciphylla Monroi. Aciphylla MONROI, commonly known as little speargrass, is an ugly looking parasite that lives on DEAD WOOD. This pesky weed is not native to the Netherlands but is imported by Canadian sailors in the 17th century. It kills everything that is not suetable for feeding. Allthough the flowers may look nice initially, your garden is only suitable for paving if you don't take rigorous measures. Warning: Monroi is on the international blacklist of threatening species. Let me put on my lawnsuit in order to sprinkle some pesticide.