Nezha supposed that I am not satisfied with my performance at the two tourneys. Well, he is right. We had a great time. It was nice to meet all tourney-tigers again, we drank a lot of beer and we laughed a lot. A lot of our friends did two tournaments too. (Some are now busy doing a third one after them. . .) The games were spectacular (well, most of them). It's a great way to spend your free days. No regrets here at all. (BTW, it rained all the time, so good chessweather) The results are not bad. For me, 5 wins (4 by knockout), 4 losses, 9 draws. Performance rating (as I believe you call it) 1735 in Amsterdam and 1712 in Dieren. Average 1724. So definitely above 1700, which was a plateau for quite some time. I have no reason to say that my performance rating should be different, it represents adequately my level at this moment. Margriet scored 1490 in Amsterdam and 1333 in Dieren. Averaging 1412, which is about her rating. I think her performance at Dieren is so bad because of exh