Pawns and piece activity
60% of the games are decided by an endgame, while 40% is decided by an early mate. The area of interest is: what happens when that point of decision hasn't been reached yet? What are the strategic goals for that stage? It seems that that stage is governed by the following: Increase your piece activity Restrain your opponents pieces The battle for the lines of attack Create an invasion square I formulated the following question: Currently I try to solve the following conundrum. I found two rules: The pawn structure dictates the piece placement (Seirawan) Pawn moves are dictated by piece placement (Kabadayi) How to combine this? After some investigation I found that they meant the same. It is about optimizing piece activity and creating an invasion square. White to move r2q1rk1/pp1nb1pn/2ppb2p/4p3/2P1P3/1PN1BPP1/P2QN1BP/R4RK1 w - - 0 14 What's going on? Nc3: restricted by c6. Can you get rid of c6? No Nc3: blockaded by e4. Can you get rid of e4? Yes Ne2: restricted by e5 and