Where did that come from?

Usually a chess game happens to me. Combinations most of the time come out of the blue. Now I start to learn how to combine, wouldn't it be nice to be able to concoct a combination from the beginning? To that end I started to analyze a game behind a CT problem. Is there a sudden outburst of tactical elements, or do they gradually build up during the game? White to move. You can find the solution here . Allthough the combination is pretty clean and crisp, it is not so easy to find. Yet it is all very logical. I identified the following tactical elements that played a role in the combination (in random order): Knight fork Ne8 Overworked rook Rf8 Weak backrank Battery Bb3, Qc4 Weak diagonal Occupation of open d-file Invasion with Nd6 Qc7 and Ra8 at a knights jump distance The clumsy Ne7 which prevent Bf6 from defending d8 Play through the game and look at the comments. . . . . . . . You see that the combination starts to build up from as early as move...